12 Color Pages

5889 Telumar Earthmaster Site $9.98

Hârn products are printed on high-quality, loose-leaf pages designed to fit standard 3-ring binders. This format enables you to arrange a collection of articles that are relevant to your campaign, providing easy access to the information you need.

Telumar is an Earthmaster site located in the gap between the Sorkin and Anadel mountains on the northern edge of the Kingdom of Melderyn in southeast Hârn. The site is the location of one of the most curious phenomena known to those who study the arcane lore of Hârn.

The site contains five buildings from the Earthmaster era, many of which were damaged and partially covered by a landslide 13 years ago. A ruined Khuzan stone wall dating from the Atani Wars is nearby. The range of the Chindra Gargu-hyeka (a species of orc) surrounds Telumar as does that of the Bujoc tribal nation. The site is occasionally visited by the Ruthuba and Moym gargun and Pagaelin tribesmen.

The Telumar article includes a history of the site, floor plans and details of its buildings, and a description of Lepridis, the mage studying the mysterious lights that the site is known for. Also includes full-page color maps for GMs and players.