To international fans...

If you are from outside the USA, if you ask your local game store to ask their distributors to carry Hârn hardcovers (or our block wargames for that matter!), you could save lots on shipping and VAT fees!

Ask you local game store to carry Hârn!

Republic of Tharda
Strongest Kingdom Start Ever!

Out first two days were wildfire for the Republic of Tharda on Kickstarter! It almost surpassed the HârnWorld 40th Anniversary hardback's first two days!

Hârn continues to grow!

New Hârn Video Archive

So many videos from internet stars such as Ardwulf's Lair, Me, Myself, and Die, The Discriminating Gamer, The Gaming Gang, Wargaming in Miniature! We had to compile them all, starting with HârnWorld of course!

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