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EuroFront 2 series Frequently Asked Questions

What’s in EastFront 2?
The game contains 2 maps and 130 blocks + labels. The extra 10 blocks are additional troops required by the expanded map area (Rumania, Hungary, Bulgaria). The game rules have not changed significantly, but some scenarios have minor modifications.

What’s in WestFront 2?
The game contains 2 maps and 130 blocks + labels. The extra blocks are additional troops required by the expanded map area (Spain, Portugal) and three new Allied units (Free French Armor, French and Italian resistance forces). The game rules have not changed significantly, but some scenarios have minor modifications.

What’s in EuroFront 2?
Like EuroFront 1, this product is not a game in itself. The maps and units from Eastfront and Westfront are required. EuroFront contains blocks and labels of all the minor powers in BOTH Axis black and Allied Blue. It also contains all units from the original MedFront game and new units for the NorthFront and Mid East areas. There are also 9 full color OB cards and complete system rules that include revised EuroFront scenarios for 1939-44. The Spanish Civil War game from MedFront is also part of this game.


UPGRADE PATH: I have all the current games - how do I get just the parts I need to upgrade?

The blocks and boxes from the old games are the only components you can reuse. There is an upgrade kit available.

Click here for details.

NOTE: Our supplier of blocks changed in 2000. Upgrading is only suitable if you bought the games after 2000.

What about the rulebooks?
The rulebooks are free online.  See the product page for each game.