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Victory Map 5 Strategy Notes
Strategy notes assume the "A" is placed in the lower left corner.

The Canal Antonio is the central feature of this map, making control of the ports San Carlos and Zulia crucial. At some point it's likely that the Lago del Sol will be the site of a pitched naval battle.

Victory Map

In an attack from the North, the small city of Vaca is an obvious first target. Its isolation is its weakness and a blockade is the best means to starve it out. Santa Rosa is also somewhat isolated and invites an amphibious assault as well.

From the South, Nautla is a likely target. However, from both directions, an attack on Jurado can be another good alternative. Capturing this city will provide a good base for a follow-up attack on Nautla and/or Tuxpan.

The Canal Antonio is the main prize on this map. In an attack from the North, if a player can control the canal, including the town of Zulia at the Northeast entrance, he will be able to use naval units to support attacks on Tuxpan and San Carlos. In an attack from the South, having the canal and the ability to use naval units in attacking Tuxpan could be critical. Some strategies to consider in making attacks on this map are to place naval units to block reinforcements. This will force the enemy to attack these "speed bumps" instead of relieving his forces and cost him at least one and possibly more turns in the process.

This map provides many unusual situations for a player on the defensive. If facing an attack from the north, it will be important to decide the level of defense for the isolated city of Vaca. Don't ignore threats from the flanks in order to protect this small (one production point) city. Also, avoid the temptation to leave too many naval units in the Lago del Sol. These units can easily be "bottled up" either through destruction of the canal or by placing one or more ships at the mouth of the canal. Also, a defender might consider establishing a blockade at the Estrecho de la Condor and near the small island off the coast of Vaca as shown by the arrows. This will hinder an attacker from the North in using any sea units in an attack on Vaca and limit the amount he can bring in elsewhere